Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Trivia Night

I just had one of the BEST nights since I have been here! (or maybe I am still just really excited)!.. Anyway. Me and my friends went to Trivia Night at the Club on campus. The trivia that they were giving us wasn't that hard, but the were also doing door prizes and giveaways and all that stuff. And GUESS WHAT.. I won a SKYDIVE TRIP!!!!!!!!!!.. and luckily its in Byron Bay where I will be going in September! I still can't believe I won!AND on top of that.. its not the small dive. its the HIGHEST dive that they offer, 14,000ft!.. AND my other friend won the GRAND prize.. a trip from Sydney to Melbourne!!.. So I think that we may go with her.. if we can get some good deals on flights and stuff. But we def. had a PRETTY lucky night. The MC also bought me and my friend Cara drinks!.. which was really nice.

I think the funniest part of the night tho was the trivia question that the MC came over to ask me. The question was worded as "What are the names of the four railroads on the ORIGINAL english Monopoly game?" and OF COURSE I said very confidently, "short line, B&O, Reading, and Pennsylvania" and the guy laughed at me and said, what the hell is that? Apparently they meant the English as in from England Monopoly game. But that is a twisted question. So I said well the original game is from America and its in English. Everyone laughed and he said the Americans don't speak English.. But that ended up getting me a free drink...

If I must say so myself, not a bad night out.

Until later.. TTFN

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