Friday, August 21, 2009

BBQ on the Beach (and the past weekend)

My, my, my.. time is FLYING!!! Last Saturday marked my first month in Australia! I can't believe that it has already been a month! I feel like I have done so much already...! Let me start with last weekend..

Friday we went to a Cowboys Rugby game. It was actually pretty neat even though I don't understand the game at all. But watching big 'football' guys running around in shorts and sweating and smiling at the camera was pretty fun! ;). After the game we went into town for a little bit, which we have been doing a lot of lately. But it was pretty fun actually. Saturday we went to the Townsville Annual Culture Festival. I really enjoyed the festival.

They had performances, a small market, FOOD, and face painting (which I almost did but got cotton candy, or fairy floss, instead).

It was right on the beach and it was such a hot day that we decided to go for a swim. It turned out to be a really nice day. My favorite part of the festival were the performances, and my favorite one of those was the dancers from the Cook Islands. They danced similar to Hawaiian dancers, but I'm sure there were small details that were different. The girls were pretty young that were dancing which made it that much better. It was a lot of fun to watch.

Sunday I had to do school work =(. But it was a very productive day although I really wanted to go to the beach with everyone else. School work has really started to pick up lately. I just have to remember that I am here for school and NOT R&R.

This week I found out that I will be able to go to the Outback during Spring Break!! The trip will be 10 days long and will consist of camping out in the desert and cooking our own food by campfire!.. I know what your thinking if you know me, WHAT?? But I figure that even if I do come back to Oz again, I will probably not be able to go to the Outback for 10 days. And if you know me even better then you would know that I used to camp ALL the time in girls scouts and LOVED it! At any rate, I am really excited about the trip and look forward to spending my spring break in central Oz.

But today was a really fun day as well.. Our cafeteria at Uni Hall put up a menu that tells us what we will be having for the week. One of my friends saw what we were having for dinner tonight and decided to pull together a BBQ on the beach! It was a GREAT idea and we all pitched in to buy food and stuff. I decided to get a steak and put it on the Barbie.. absolutely WONDERFUL if I must say so myself! Afterwards we all went out on the beach and played around for a little bit. It was a really nice night!

So all in all I am still thoroughly enjoying my time in Australia. Tomorrow we are going to go hike up Castle Hill downtown and go swimming at the river. Hopefully we will get some great photo ops and have a great time.

Until later,

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