Sunday, September 13, 2009

Magnetic Island

This past weekend was pretty interesting..

We decided a couple of week sago that we would go out to magnetic island for a weekend. Well we FINALLY made it! And following a week where I had to write two papers and had a midterm.. it was well deserved. We left for Maggie on Friday after class... the island is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!. It is right across from Townsville, and it is paradise!

Once we got to Maggie, we went checked in our hostel and went to the beach! Geoffrey Bay was very nice. The water was warm and clear.. and there was plenty of dead coral to examine (for the nerdy bio majors!!). That night we went to the night market and had dinner. I had cashew chicken and rice noodles. I was REALLY good. Then we sat out on the beach and talked about everything that came up... Cara did her 8 minute abs (after drinking). It was pretty funny.. Once we walked back to the hostel from the beach, we met some cute Aussie islanders. We played a couple of games of pool with them and then went off to TRY to go to sleep. Once we finally got settled into bed and were about to go to sleep, Alex hops down off of his bed and yells "Oh My GOD! Kiara, Kiara!!" I had no idea what was going on and had my ipod in. I asked him what was wrong and he says..."idk but there is something crawling ALL over me." We all bust out laughing b/c there was clearly NOTHING on his bed... at least from what we could see. It was absolutely HILARIOUS that he tried to get me of all people to help him. I HATE bugs!! That was probably the funniest part of the trip, by far.

We woke up really early Saturday morning to go horseback riding.. unfortunately, the reservation website was down and they didn't get the information. We were kinda bummed out.. but we went a jumped in the pool at Magnum's (our hostel) and then went out to Alma Bay. We spent most of the day at the beach and then went to rent SCOOTERS!!! The scooters were really great..

I had a pink one named Paris (yes hilton).. I must say that she rides good.. no pun intended. We rode around the island on our scooters for a bit and then went to get some dinner.

One the way back from dinner, I was following Alex on my scooter, and I see a light go down a cliff. Thank goodness he wasn't hurt, and lucky for him, the scooter started up again and only had a few scratches. Not bad at all looking at the cliff. After the big scare, we went to the hostel and just chilled out.

Today, or Sunday, we got up early and tried horseback riding again. The ride was ABSOLUTELY wonderful!. We went thru the bush on a track and ran into some wallabys and a few snakes. My horse's name was Matilda. She is a very pretty horse. We went into the water too... I think someone took the pic, but I will have to share it later! But the scenery was beyond words...

Afterwards we went back to the beach for the day.. Somehow, I ended up getting sunburnt. I am pretty hurt from the burn and sore from the horse ride. But overall, a good weekend!

Outback is coming up soon... I am beyond excited!

Till next time,

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